If you need a website, but don’t have the free time or know-how to attempt it yourself, we understand completely. I remember, around the beginning of the millennium, I developed several websites completely from scratch. In fact, it was the first thing I started doing as I advanced in my computer science career. Naturally, everything was slow and tedious in those days. Of course, the process of coding both the design itself and the machinery to run the site was indeed a very intense undertaking (and thus used to cost a significant amount of money) even for producing a few simple pages.
Fortunately for users, building a website has become more and more accessible. The fact that there is so much computer integration throughout the world has produced an incredible blossoming of creativity in many ways. In our area in particular, infinite design templates are being created every day, as well as the applications that allow managing those designs. Use of these tools has simplified and diversified. Now, with a basic knowledge of hosting providers (which are the companies that store your information, domains/web addresses, and file access management, among other things), it is potentially simple to create and manage a website that would be quite expensive for an average person or a small business just a few years ago. There are even places that offer sites for a few bucks. Naturally, everything cheap is somewhat limited since the providers obviously hope that the user will later have the need to opt for a more costly subscription.
Owning a website brings several advantages. For instance, it affords a more professional appearance, and comes with a space in the cloud that is all your own. In other words, when hiring a hosting, you practically own a little piece of the web. It is a place where, for a very affordable cost, you can store a virtually unlimited number of files, such as images, videos, and information in general. You can also have an email with a custom domain. And since there is quite a lot of competition in this field, web host companies usually only charge around $100-140 for a whole year (including domain renewal), depending on the specific needs.
In short, while some may have the skills to build a site for themselves, there will be many others who simply do not have the time or knowledge to begin the process. Those who read this and need advice should feel free to contact us, and we would love to hear your site-building needs. We also provide assistance to Spanish-speaking customers.

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